Shipping cost China-Thailand

Calculate shipping price

Shipping cost
Package size
0.0 CMB
Price according to weight
0.0 Baht
Product weight more than 500 kg/cbm
Annotation:The shipping cost provided is an estimated price; prices may change without prior notice.
***The minimum shipping price is 500 baht

How to Calculate Quantity and Basic Service Costs

  1. Calculate the volume of the goods
    Width x Length x Height
    = Volume (cubic meters)
  2. How to calculate the weight per 1 cubic meter
    Weight (kg) / Volume (cubic meters) = Weight per cubic meter
  3. Preliminary service cost calculation
    Volume (cubic meters) x Rate per cubic meter = Preliminary service cost


Shipping by sea, a box of ceramic dolls weighing 90 kilograms, with dimensions of 150 cm in height, 80 cm in width, and 80 cm in length.
  • 80 x 80 x 150
    = 0.96 cubic meters
  • Goods weight 90/0.96 = 93.75 kg per cubic meter, rate of 4,000 Baht per cubic meter
  • Service cost 0.96 x 4,000
    = 3,840 Baht

Note: The above shipping cost is an approximate estimation and is subject to change without prior notice.

LCL Service Rates

Shipping rates from China for Less than Container Load (LCL)

Guangzhou Shipping cost by ship Shipping cost by truck
General products
4,000 THB/CMB
6,500 THB/CMB
Product weight more than 500 kg/cbm
5,000 THB/CMB
7,500 THB/CMB
Teochew Shipping cost by ship Shipping cost by truck
General products
4,000 THB/CMB
6,500 THB/CMB
Product weight more than 500 kg/cbm
5,000 THB/CMB
7,500 THB/CMB
Yiwu Shipping cost by ship Shipping cost by truck
General products
4,000 THB/CMB
7,000 THB/CMB
Product weight more than 500 kg/cbm
5,000 THB/CMB
8,000 THB/CMB
FCL Service Rates

Shipping rates from China for Full Container Load (FCL)

Container size Shipping cost by Ship Shipping cost by truck
20 Foot 28 CMB
60,000 - 120,000 THB
40 Foot 68 CMB
100,000 - 200,000 THB
45 Foot 85 CMB
Contact for further inquiries.

Annotation: The shipping cost provided is an estimated price; prices may change without prior notice.
***The minimum shipping price is 500 baht